Spring Sale

"Finally, so many questions answered! Thank you for bringing all of these concepts into one course. I now know what I need to master through practice and further research! I will recommend this to all of my fellow newbie and experienced artists!” - Suzan M

"Oh My Goodness! I hadn't found any online courses until I was scrolling through my FaceBook feed yesterday and saw your ad for this course. I immediately signed up and finished the whole course in a day. I couldn't get enough!!! Tim, you have a wonderful gift in teaching. I am so very grateful that you made this course so affordable. It will change my work forever! I cant wait to play around with what I have learned." - Kathryn W

"This is BY FAR the most comprehensive course on composition I've come across. Your comment at the end that if you don't know what you're supposed to be looking at it's very easy to move the wrong thing and spoil a potentially good piece of art. This is invaluable" - Maria K
This Course Will Teach You:

✅ Learn the Fundamentals of Colour and Composition
Study the basics so you can understand more complex concepts

✅ Master Positive and Negative Shapes
How to use them together to create dynamic compositions

✅ Explore Light and Shadows
Transform your art by mastering the dance of light and shadow

✅ Master Perspective
And never paint another wonky building again

✅ Most Common Weaknesses
Learn the most common compositional mistakes that artists make

✅ Value Sketches
How using them will allow you to start each painting with Confidence

✅ Proven Compositional Plans
That will prevent your work from being overlooked

✅ Putting it all together
Learn how to apply these concepts to your own paintings and spot weaknesses in paintings that aren't selling
To start creating better paintings TODAY
Is This You?

Tired of watching other artists THRIVE while your work goes UNNOTICED?

Are your pieces not selling, even though you know your work deserves recognition?

Are you frustrated that your art isn't connecting with an audience the way you hoped it would?

Is the pressure to create art that sells leaving you creatively stuck and uninspired?
"Mastering Colour and Composition"
This course Includes:
My Full Colour and Composition Course with Graphic Demonstrations
I demystify Colour & Composition by simplifying Complex Theories so they become second nature to you - Regularly $199
✅ Learn to create visually striking paintings that convert into sales
✅ Master Composition - you’ll never lose another sale because your paintings lack impact
✅ Learn the 10 Most Common Compositional Weaknesses that lead to failed paintings
✅ Use tried and true Compositional Plans to ensure you never create a poor composition again
✅ You’ll learn how to begin developing a polished, signature style that consistently attracts clients and boosts your sales over time
ACT NOW and secure these amazing bonus features:
✅ Ask me Anything about Art or the Business of Being an Artist AND get a critique of one of your paintings in a Live Group Zoom Call - Regularly $100
✅ Learn my secrets to creating stunning Digital Photos to Paint from with two bonus modules from my Editing Digital Photos for Artists Course - Regularly $59
Enjoy a 30 Day "No Questions Asked" Money Back Guarantee, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Don't miss out on this Transformative Opportunity to Elevate Your Art, and Elevate Your Impact for Just $149
This Special Offer regularly priced at $358… is only available at this amazing discount for a limited time
I'm Ready to Create Better Paintings TODAY! (Save 60%)Full Course Curriculum
Module 1: Defining Terms
Before we can discuss Composition in any meaningful way we need to all be speaking the same language. I define the terms that we use to describe marks on the picture plane.

Module 2: Colour Theory
Understanding Colour Theory is absolutely essential to good composition. I explain how the various colours relate to each other and how we can use that knowledge to choose and mix colours in our paintings.

Module 3: Shapes
Shapes come in an endless variety: positive, negative, directional, static etc. and we can use them to draw the viewer’s attention or to move the viewers eye. They can be defined by value, colour, line, texture etc. and their edges can be hard, soft or lost and found. Understanding all of these options is key to choosing the right type of shape in the right place in our paintings.

Module 4: Concepts
Once we understand all of the graphic elements available to us, it is important to master how they relate to each other. I explain the concepts of:
✔ Unity
✔ Harmony
✔ Contrast
✔ Gradation
✔ Relativity
✔ Balance
✔ Repetition
✔ Edges
✔ Dominance

Module 5: Perspective
Depicting three dimensional space on a two dimensional surface is one of the magical possibilities of painting. Understanding the geometry of perspective as well as atmospheric perspective is essential to doing this well.

Module 6: Shadows and Reflections
Shadows and reflections both have to do with the physical properties of light but they have very different laws that govern them. I explain the difference and show how to depict them accurately in your paintings.

Module 7: Hierarchy of Marks and Value Sketches
I explain the rank order of types of marks that attract the most attention and show how to use value sketches to answer key compositional questions before beginning a painting.

Module 8: Compositional Plans Part 1
What is a compositional plan? And how can we use it to choreograph a visual dance for the viewer’s eye?

Module 9: Compositional Plans Part 2
I demonstrate many of the tried and true compositional plans available to us:
✔ S-Shape
✔ Cross
✔ Spiral
✔ Vignette
✔ Wheel
✔ Pattern
✔ Gradation

Module 10: 10 Common Weaknesses
I describe many of the common pitfalls that can detract from our compositions and how to avoid them.

Module 11: Critiques
Tying it all together and showing how all of these concepts can be put into practice in actual paintings.

BONUS MODULE: Using Photoshop to Edit Photos to Paint From
How to use some simple tools and techniques in Photoshop to turn “ho-hum” photos into spectacular photos to paint from.
I’ll show you my workflow to edit photos of a variety of subjects quickly and efficiently to recapture the “ooh ah” moment that made you take the photo in the first place.

Live Group Zoom Q & A Call with Tim
After you have had time to complete the course you will be invited to a live group Zoom call where Tim will answer any of your questions about art or the business of being an artist.
*NEW* - We have recently decided to allow full painting critiques for these meetings. You are now able to have one of your paintings critiqued by Tim LIVE over Zoom

Think this offer is too good to be true?
Here is some feedback from just a small selection of the 2000+ Artists who have taken this course.

Meet Your Instructor
My name is Tim Packer, and I am a very successful artist who has generated several million dollars in earnings from the sale of my work.
But I didn’t start out with great success. At the age of 21 I gave up on the dream of becoming an artist and settled on plan B… becoming a police officer.
At the age of 40 I quit my job and walked away from my pension to give my dream one more try.
It was a struggle for 5 years and I almost gave up several times.
Eventually I figured out some of the things that I teach in this course and started to experience some success.
For the past ten years I have consistently generated earnings over $200,000.00 from the sale of my art, and in my best year so far I earned over a quarter million dollars.
My mission in life now has switched from a focus on creating my own art to sharing what I have learned with other artists.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this Course For?
Every artist from hobbyist to serious professional who wants to improve the quality and impact of their art.
How Long Do I Get Access?
How does lifetime access to the course sound?
Can't I Learn all of this on YouTube?
Youtube is a fantastic resource with more free tutorials than any individual is capable of watching about creating art.
I have over 100 videos myself on YouTube.
But a side effect of only learning on Youtube is that you'll waste dozens of hours learning the same thing, searching for tutorials only to find partial answers and not having precise exercises designed to help you truly learn the skills you're after.
If you want to develop the absolute best plan for you to achieve success and not waste a lot of time on doing the wrong things or doing the right things at the wrong time this course will help you do that. You have all of the information presented in one place in a cohesive manner. This will ensure that you are actually spending your time on what is most important right now for you… and could save you years on your journey
This program will also save you weeks of frustrated time searching for answers.
So what is your time worth?
For some - thats $49 well spent!
If your time isn't worth that yet...
Stick to Youtube until it is!
What Skill Level is this program For?
This program is designed for ALL skill levels. All you need is a Passion for Art, a willingness and ability to learn and a solid work ethic. Those that already have a highly developed skill set will be further along in the journey and will likely experience results faster than those just starting out. But remember… we all started out as beginners and none of us were very good at the beginning.
By focusing on what is important from the very start you can quickly overtake artists who have been painting for many years but have focused on the wrong things.
Does it matter what medium I use or what subject matter I paint?
No that does not matter. Composition Is ESSENTIAL regardless of medium, subject matter or stylistic approach..
Is there a guarantee?
ABSOLUTELY! We have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. If you do not feel you have received way more value than what you have paid for this course, then contact us for a full refund, no questions asked.
We have yet to receive a single refund request for the Business of Being an artist and many students have gone on to purchase my other courses.
© 2024 Tim Packer Art Academy
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