Spring Sale

Turn painting conventions on their head to create LIGHT FILLED PAINTINGS that glow


Unlock the Secret to Captivating Paintings with Tim Packer's Birches and Crimson Maples Course

For a Limited Time only $129 - Regular $347

Whether you're a hobbyist painter eager to explore new techniques, or an experienced artist aiming for a breakthrough, this course is designed for you.

Don't miss out on these special bonuses with this offer:

Ask me anything about Art or the Business of Being an Artist in a live group Zoom call - $100

See Immediate and lasting Improvement in your paintings using my Cheat Sheet of the 10 Most Common Compositional Weaknesses - Regular $10

Watch the full module on common weaknesses from my Colour & Composition Course and start crafting Dazzling Paintings with Engaging Compositions from your own photos- Regular $49

Enjoy a 30 Day "No Questions Asked" Money Back Guarantee, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Don't let this limited time offer pass, get this entire course plus bonuses for just $129 and transform your art today.

Offer Expires Soon

Enroll In "Birches and Crimson Maples" NOW

"Thank Tim. This was absolutely fantastic and you provided a wealth of information. I appreciate how it was broken into smaller learning segments so that it was easier to digest. I often get so caught up in realism that I stop having fun and being creative. This was so liberating to watch and I can't wait to give this technique a try.” - Stephanie K

"Thanks!! I have dug out my water soluble oils and will see how many are still useable. I miss blending wet on wet -I may try it with both mediums. :-) I am loving your detailed instructions...not every good artist is a good teacher, but you obviously are!!" - Beverly C

"Your delivery of the course is exceptional full of information and direction without any flapping about. I watched throughout and now going to make an attempt feeling confident! Look forward to more paint alongside.
King regards" - Stacy B

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Course Overview and Introduction to Water Soluble Oils

  • Why should you use Water Soluble Oils? I have been using water soluble oils for over 20 years and just love them. You get all of the benefits of oils but can clean your brushes with soap and water… no dangerous solvents required.
  • How I keep my paints fresh on the palette for WEEKS to cut back on wasted paint (This Tip ALONE will save you more than the value of this course)

Module 2: Canvas Preparation, Supplies, Blocking In the Composition

  • Learn the steps I take to prepare my canvas before every painting
  • Learn how I block in my trees and foliage in Acrylic before I use Water Soluble Oils

Module 3: Mixing Water Soluble Oils and Painting the Foliage

  • FULL List of paints, brushes, and other materials I use in my paintings

  • How I mix all of the colours for my foliage
  • How I use Linseed Oil to help the water soluble oil paint glide effortlessly onto the canvas
  • Learn how to SUGGEST leaves, instead of rendering, to create more lifelike foliage

Module 4: Adding More Foliage and Painting the Sun

  • I explain WHY I paint the foreground first when doing my paintings

  • Learn the techniques I use to create my signature glowing sun that helps define my style

Module 5: Painting the Sky

  • How I mix the light blues, greens, and magentas that make up the sky in my paintings

  • How I use patterns in the sky to direct the eye and cause it to dance across the painting

Module 6: Painting the Birch Trees

  • How I mix the colours for vibrant birch trees

  • Learn the specific techniques I use to create my colourful birch trees

Module 7: Painting the Birch Near the Sun and Dark Trees

  • Learn how I paint the birch tree nearest the sun to capture the intense glow of the sun
  • Learn how I decide which trees will be birches, and which will be dark trees

Module 8: Painting the Sunlight on the Other Tree and Touching Up the Sun

  • The area around the sun is THE most important part of this painting, since it is the centre of interest. I'll demonstrate how I add the sunlight to the dark tree to really make it pop
  • How I use some finishing touches on the sun to crank up the brightness to get it looking exactly the way I want

Module 9: Finishing Touches and Conclusion

  • Learn how I add dots of colour throughout the painting to really unify the foliage
  • Explaining WHY I add certain colours in certain areas to make the painting more pleasing to the eye
  • Adding rim lights to really add that glow to the birch trees
  • How I decide what is left to do once a painting is 99% finished
  • How I paint my signature so that it is consistent every time

Bonus Module - 10 Most Common Compositional Weaknesses

  • This is the most popular module from Tim’s Colour and Composition Course.
  • Use this module to create your own stunning paintings, using Tim’s process, from your own photo’s.
  • Simply by avoiding these common weaknesses you will immediately be creating better paintings.
  • Use the PDF Cheatsheet to check your photo reference before even starting a painting.
  • Self Critique your work during the painting process and at completion.

Live Q & A call with Tim

Approximately one month after purchasing the course you will be invited to a live group Zoom call where Tim will answer any of your questions about his process or the business of being an artist.

Enroll In "Birches and Crimson Maples" NOW

Whats Included In The Course

This course will take you through my entire process of creating a painting from start to finish. I have developed a very unique way of painting over the past 20 years and I share it all with you here in these videos.

Meet Your Instructor

My name is Tim Packer, and I am a very successful artist who has generated several million dollars in earnings from the sale of my work.

But I didn’t start out with great success. At the age of 21 I gave up on the dream of becoming an artist and settled on plan B… becoming a police officer.

At the age of 40 I quit my job and walked away from my pension to give my dream one more try.

It was a struggle for 5 years and I almost gave up several times.

When my current style evolved the response from the public was immediate and dramatic.

For the past ten years I have consistently generated earnings over $200,000.00 from the sale of my art, and in my best year so far I earned over a quarter million dollars.

My mission in life now has switched from a focus on creating my own art to sharing what I have learned with other artists.

In this course I will show you all of the tips and tricks that I use to create my signature “light through the trees” paintings.

Enroll In "Birches and Crimson Maples" NOW

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it matter what medium I use or what subject matter I paint?

I use water soluble oils in this demonstration but you can use acrylics, traditional oils, gouache or ANY opaque paint medium. You will just need to adapt to the different drying times and ignore the instructions specific to the water soluble oil mediums.

Who is this Course For?

This course is for anyone with an interest in painting from:

  • Hobbyists who just want to try something different.
  • Serious artists looking to pick up some advanced concepts and techniques
  • Fans of my work who want to try my process.
  • Anyone wanting to learn how to use water soluble oils

How Long Do I Get Access?

How does lifetime access to the course sound?

Can't I Learn all of this on YouTube?

Youtube is a fantastic resource with more free tutorials than any individual is capable of watching about creating art.

I have over 100 videos myself on YouTube.

You can find some of the information in this course on my Youtube Channel but you won’t find all of it. Plus you would need to spend hours and hours hunting through over 100 YouTube videos to get just part of information. The only place to get all of the information and in one place is here on my Art Academy.

So what is your time worth?

For some - thats $69 well spent!

If your time isn't worth that yet...

Stick to Youtube until it is!

What Skill Level is this program For?

This program is designed for ALL skill levels.

Is there a guarantee?

ABSOLUTELY! We have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. If you do not feel you have received way more value than what you have paid for this course, then contact us for a full refund, no questions asked.

Enroll In "Birches and Crimson Maples" NOW

© 2023 Tim Packer Art Academy